Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tues July 3

Today was a pretty normal day at school. We had two periods of math, two periods of Shodo (calligraphy) one period of Japanese one period of PE and one long home room. I really like the Shodo class (and the Sensei is very nice). Today I drew 永 and 空, the latter which is my favorite kanji, don't even ask why. Anyway, our PE was a free period, so we just played volleyball which seems very popular here (and in a circle rather than across a net.). Anyway, then in our long home room we changed seats, and I realized in Japan moving seats actually means moving your desk. (They are the type of desks we had in elementary school, where there is a compartment below the desk to store stuff. However, I for one think it would be much easier to take the stuff out of the compartment and move rather than move the whole desk...

Anyway then I went to Kumon and I actually legitimately did what the kids do (work with a teacher who assigns and corrects the work.). It was hard but I am learning new Kanji so that is good.

I think that is all, goodnight and happy 4th of July!

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