Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tues July 17

Today was a regular day. We started with Japanese, then had World History, English and Math. During lunch I brought out the Bhujia I had brought from CA and shared it with everyone. Some loved it, but they all, including me, found it spicy. After lunch we had two periods of Home Economics, during which I almost (or did, I don't know) fall asleep (everyone was exhausted today, being the first day of school after a three day weekend. I literally felt like sleeping in almost every period, and at any one time about a third of the class would have their heads on their desks.)

Anyway, after school I came home and then went to Kumon for about an hour. Yeah, I think that's it, I am going to try to go to bed by 10 tonight, goodnight!

Well actually I started reading Otousan's book and learning more Go! And I started playing by myself and then Okaasan came home so I started playing against her and I can definetely feel myself getting better! Although I did have a 3 piece advantage (it's part of the rules of Go! That the stronger player always has a handicap of some sort.) at the beginning of the game the first game I tied Okaasan and the second game I lost by one point, which I would say is pretty good! There is still a lot to learn but I am loving it!!!

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