Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tues July 24

Today was a great day! In the morning we went to the airport to help out with the nine YFU students leaving today. I actually had a very good time, because I helped with translation between the YFU volunteers and the students -- there were a lot of problems in terms of weight of bags and what some kids had packed to take back, so I ended up being very useful. Then we went up and waited till half an hour before boarding before the kids went through security (there was separate security per gate so that was fine) and then the YFU volunteers and I had a glass of coffee (I had mango juice) and talked. Afterwards, Okaasan and Otousan took me to a very nice Japanese restaurant where I had Soba, salad, tenpura, etc. then we returned home, and I packed.

After a couple of Hours Otousan and I went to a museum exhibit by Ohno Katsuhiko, who lost his hands in an accident some years ago and now paints paintings with very deep (but sometimes depressing) messages on them with his robotic hands. It was very very nice. I could not read the majority of it so Otousan translated for me. After that, we returned home, and I finished packing.

Ok, goodnight! 24+ hours of travel tomorrow/day after!

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