Friday, July 20, 2012

Fri July 20

So, yesterday (it is past midnight here) was truly an amazing day! So, I took my cookies and walked to school. When I got there, I found, on my desk, the Kumi shirt I had asked the class leader if there was any way I could get. Zeroth Period was English, in which I asked the English Teacher to sign my shirt. Then during the 15 minute break before home room I told everyone it was my last day, and asked them to sign my shirt and a picture of the class on the first day, which I passed around. I then gave them the cookies, which they loved. At first I asked them just to take one (or actually, they politely only took one,) and then since there were leftovers and they LOVED them I said they could take seconds if the want, and almost everyone in the class raised their hands and I didn't want to have to choose so I left the box in the front of the classroom and they all ran up and finished the cookies in about five seconds. Anyway, first period was math, followed by World History where we learned about the Mughal Empire, Islam and Hinduism, the Taj Mahal, etc., and Japanese. Lunch was a pretty normal lunch, and after lunch we had English again, but since the Sensei had a meeting she had given us a worksheet to do. Then it was time for my speech. So, first went some of the teachers, discussing mainly safety over summer vacation (it's funny how concerned they are about safety in one of the safest places in the world,) then the ALT's (Assistant Language Teachers,) who were going back to their countries, and then the two exchange students. On the request of the other exchange student, I went second. And honestly, I would say the speech went very well, I got quite a few laughs, actually a lot of laughs, and after the speech everyone was very impressed with my Japanese and surprised I had only studied it for two years. And the best part is it came straight from my heart.

After the assembly we had a Long Homeroom, in which our Honeroom Teacher very kindly showed us all the pix of the Taikusai (Undoukai, Sports Day) he had taken (he has a tablet and connects it to the TV, even during class.). Then, I had to give a goodbye speech to the Kumi on the spot, and I had not prepared anything, didn't want to repeat stuff, and couldn't get my thought together and into Japanese fast enough. Anyway, I would say I started very strong, with a memory from the first day, and then withered down. After that, our class leader gave a good-bye speech for me, and then we all took pictures! It was a wonderful day, and I honestly really loved it.

I also realized today the importance of naming specifics when thanking people. Initially in my speech I had briefly mentioned Track, but when I was typing it up at home yesterday I really though I should thank them more, because I really loved running with them. So, I added about half a paragraph about it (which actually got the most laughs, because I recounted a pretty funny Track and Field experience.). Anyway, after the speech one of my friends who is also in Track had been so touched by my talking and thanking Track that she gifted me a self-made fan, in Shoudo, about Track! In addition, initially I had only briefly mentioned the Taikusai, but Okaasan suggested I lengthen that section, so Kokusai as a whole would really feel they helped me enjoy myself. (And they were honestly my true feelings, so it was completely fine.). Anyway, after hearing that my homeroom Sensei very graciously gifted me a USB of all the pictures he had taken at the Taikusai, which was more than amazing because they were only pictures of people from our Kumi. It was truly great!

So I really had a wonderful day! After dinner I practiced Go! Again with Okaasan and best her the second game, but with a 5-piece advantage. We will keep playing tomorrow.

Okay that is all for today, I had a fabulous day and really wish I were not leaving, Goodnight!

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