Friday, July 6, 2012

Fri July 6!!!!!!

Today was an amazing day! There is sooooo much to write about!

So, I got up in the morning, ate breakfast, and left for school. When I arrived, there was a sign on the back blackboard saying "Amal, HBD!.". The kids wished me and sang for me, which was very nice. (The English Sensei and Homeroom Sensei also wished me.). Anyway, then we started the day, beginning with English, then Math, Japanese, an English Vocab Test, World History, Cross Culture Understanding, and a long Homeroom. In Math we got the test we had taken earlier back and I got a 40/100 -- they were really silly rushing (I felt there was not enough time) or misunderstanding mistakes. For example, there was a question asking me to add two decimals with dots over certain digits. At first I was confused, and then figured it must be some sort of indication of Significant Figures, so applied those rules to it. Today I realized those dots are the Japanese version of our "Bar", which indicates repeating decimals. But the class average was 30, and it was just really a test to see where we stand, do it didn't count.

Also, for the Vocab Test I got 60/100, again not an amazing score, but better than last time. It was on what they called idioms, but I would really just consider common, confusing expressions, such as "let alone," "take in," "put an end to," "help out," etc.

Anyway, during lunch many of my friends gifted me snacks, which was very very nice! I had a delicious Shekwesa Tea, which was so amazing I want to bring some back if I can find it, and great pudding. I was honestly stuffed. For those of you who thought I would lose weight here, I am pretty sure I am doing the opposite. There is such amazing food (wait until I tell you about tonight's dinner) I am pretty sure I am gaining weight! I wore my convertibles today, which's belt I had adjusted and not touched since CA, and it was right across my waist! I am pretty sure I have put on a few pounds :)

Then, in our Cross Culture Understanding class we made cards to the new ALTs coming for next year -- even though I would not be here I still made a card welcoming them.

Anyway, in the evening, after a long phone call with Amma and Baba and Nani and a VERY long Skype w/ Dadda and Nellie (till 2 in the morning) I went to my old Host Family's house for a small party. It was AMAZING!!! We had an amazing dinner of Curry-Rice, Salad, Sushi filled with Natto which was honestly very good, rolled up Omelets with mircha (Chilly Peppers,) and some delicious vegetable tenpura and fried sweet potato. There were slso amazing fresh fruits: pineapple, watermelon, pear/apple, grapefruits, and various grapes. Then, we had some musical performances -- the Sanshin played by the granddaughter, a Karate performance by the grandson, some songs we all sang together, a piano piece by the son, etc. I also tried the Sanshin, and it seems hard but very interesting. Then we had a cake, which I am pretty sure was homemade and was absolutely delicious, and they gave me presents. All were wonderful, but I truly loved a photo book handmade (like computer-hand-made) by Okaasan logging my trip so far, and with empty pages for the rest. That photo book really meant a lot to me!

Afterwards, we went outside to burst Hanabi, or sparklers/firecrackers. It was really really fun, and while perhaps not as explosive as the ones in India, it was very safe and amazing. We lit a spinning wheel at the end which changed colors! It was truly amazing.

Also Okaasan was very interested in how I crocheted the hotpads so I will show her next week and she will show me how she had made many cool things around the house!

BTW, during our long Homeroom after school we did a mock Tanabata celebration (Tanabata is tomorrow.) We wrote our wishes down on small decorative pieces of paper and tied it to a paper bamboo tree in the class. Oh, and also there is actually school tomorrow for all the other students, but since they are taking exams it is a holiday for me.

Anyway, after that amazing party we came back to my new host-families house and had a small birthday celebration here also. It was truly amazing, and I can honestly say this has been my best birthday ever.

BTW, my old Host Families grandchildren are in love with Amelia Bedilia -- they had to do a bit of research to get the pins but they all loved it!

Also, I realized just how lucky I am! First Bday in Yellowstone, 2nd in New Jersey (right?), fifth in Yosemite (I am sure there was something in between 2 and 5), 15 in Paris, 14 in Pennsylvalia, and 16th in OKINAWA!!!! I don't remember any more at this time of night but I am sure there was more (did I have a Bday in Greece?)

Anyway, I really have to go to sleep, so goodnight! I am absolutely loving it here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your kumi and host families are spectacular! How lovely of them - you hit the jackpot, Am. Love, NM.
