Monday, July 2, 2012

Mon July 2nd

Today was an amazing day at the beach! I left the house at 10:00, headed for Naha Kokusai High School where I met my other kumi members (or the ones that lived close by.). We then caught the bus, headed for the beach.

Now, first of all, the water had the most beautiful blue I had ever seen. Like bluer than Rio Celeste. An the water itself was crystal clear. And while it was not as warm as Costa Rica, it was still quite warm. The only bad part? There were jellyfish in the water so we were only allowed to stay in a tiny little buoyed area (and there were lifeguards to enforce that.)

So anyway, I went into the water and at the deep end it was up to my waste, and I thought, "Okay, this is nice, but there is really not much to do here...". I stayed in the water for a bit and then got out. (BTW although I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to see anything, because I could already see the bottom and there were not too many organisms, I still put on my snorkeling gear and snorkelled, because I figured that since I had brought it, I might as well use it! All I could see was a tadpole before the lifeguard tapped me on the shoulder and told me snorkeling was banned -- don't ask me why, because people were in that little area with huge rubber boats that was impeding into everyone else's space, and snorkeling did not at all do anything to anybody...Anyhow, I took of my snorkeling material and went back up, while I did not really get to snorkel, I am fine because at least I used the equipment...)

Anyway, then the tide started increasing, and that was when it truly filled up with water (between 3-5). At first the water at the edge rose to my shoulders, but then it rose to deeper than me! It was really very fun swimming and back stroking and such in that water :)

BTW meanwhile we had eaten lunch (a fabulous Obentou Okaasan had packed,) and I realized that a very inherent Japanese cultural aspect was sharing one's food. If someone has multiple pieces of something and there are people around them, they share! Over the course of the day, I ate a lot of other people's food and shared some of what I bought, and initially I felt like I was taking more than giving, but then realized if there are 30 kids and each has 30 items and gives one to each person, while any individual would have only given once but received 29 times, it would still be equal.

Meanwhile, first of all I am beginning to like Pocari Sweat, it is definitely better than Gatorade and does give you energy...And secondly I had the best frozen food ever today, Ice Fruits アイスの実, which was so amazing you have no idea! It was basically frozen spheres of different fruits/flavors. Think frozen grapes but 10x tastier and various fruits as oppose to just grapes! It was really amazing -- I really want to bring it back but it would melt...

Anyway meanwhile we also played volleyball on the beach and made a sand-castle/wave-barrier. It was really amazingly fun! I am sure I have more to say about the beach but it is really very late and I have to sleep.

So, anyway, after the beach we left for dinner. (BTW the showers at the beach were 100 yen for 3 minutes which I thought was outrageous so I didn't bathe there.). We went to a Curry House for dinner, which did have vegetarian curry so that was good. However, I would like to point of that what the Japanese consider curry is one specific taste of curry (lots of cinnamon and Khara Masala) as oppose to the Indian many flavors. Honestly the menu had all the same curry, just different vegetables/meats in the same curry sauce. Anyway, after dinner was when I truly came to appreciate Amma's weight on knowing how one is getting to and from various places (arranging rides beforehand.). I mean I always knew that was important but today for the first time I experienced the opposite. I mean the plan was to go back by bus, and had everyone stuck to schedule it would have happened, but everyone took their own leisurely time and then we changed the plan to taking a taxi (most people do not actually live close to the school, just me and 4 other guys.) Well, no taxi was coming down the road at that time, 9 at night (and it was pitch black outside.). Then we decided to call a Taxi company. Now that would have probably worked out but luckily a friend's mom offered us all rides, which was VERY nice. But anyway it was pretty frustrating that we did not have concrete plans.

BTW, on another note biking is very common here but no one wears helmets.

This was such an exciting day I am sure there is a LOT more to talk about but it is very late do goodnight! BTW Amma and Baba will be happy to know that after I came back I ironed for the first time in my life (my school uniform and Eisa costume) and it honestly wasn't hard or too tedious! (I already knew how from watching Amma, Baba, Baa, and Nani.). Anyway I think if I did wear formal clothes in the US I wouldn't mind ironing them because honestly crushed clothes look so nasty (and my clothes get extra crushed because they lie in the hamper for 5 months...)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the pictures are lovely! How come you didn't have school on a Mon? I'm also impressed that a group of you went to the beach on your own. Cool.
