Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tues 6/20

Conbanwa!  Today and last night were both quite exciting!  Last night, after a coincidentally Indian meal (Okaasan made some fabulous Curry Rice, which truly tasted Indian, and I made Otousan and Okaasan Chai), we all got together and played cards (after the grandchildren`s English lessons.)  First, we played Trump, which is basically Old Maid.  Afterwards, we played a a memory game, where all the cards are spread out over the table, and you have to flip two over, and if they are a match you get to keep them.  Afterwards, we played a traditional Japanese card game called `Ogura Hyaku Nin Isshu`, in which there was a large pile of cards in the middle and we drew and different cards had different meanings.  Then, we played a game called `Karuta` where Okaasan would read a saying and we had to find the card with the matching Hiragana and picture, and slap it first.  Whoever slapped it first got the card.  Both the games were extremely fun.

Today, after a breakfast of a salad and eggs, I went to school.  It was a very exciting day in school – I took two Shodou, Japanese calligraphy, classes, and a PE class in which we learned Esa, a traditional Japanese dance.  (The PE classes are in preparation for an Undoukai Performance.)  I think I`ll most likely switch to Karate next PE class though.  The calligraphy teacher was very kind, and I spent the whole period practicing writing my name in Hiragana and Katakana.  She gifted me a very nice sheet of cardboard/paper, for me to write my name whichever way I liked best.

Yeah, I am pretty sure there is a lot left to write about, but I want to keep this short.  So, goodnight!  My friends at school are still as nice and exciting/enthusiastic as ever, and I am pretty sure I am getting oriented!  (It was pouring today on the walk home, and I got completely soaked despite having a raincoat)  Okay, bye!


  1. Lama:

    you're such a wonderful gourmand! The descriptions of your meals are truly wonderful. What do you eat in school? Does okasan have to pack you a box every day? Pls. send pix of the place, so we can be there with you...
    Luvya, BM

  2. How lovely of Okassan to make you Indian food! They really sound like such gracious and kind people. I'd love to learn callligraphy - or have my name in calligraphy! Btw, you wanted to spend a monsoon in Bombay - here you're getting it. With some ameneties like dryers to make sure your clothes don't get mouldy before they dry! Sounds like you're having a blast. NM.
