Monday, June 25, 2012

Mon June 25

Today was a very fun and excessively hot day (high 20s). So, I walked to school this morning with Otousan, and he showed me really nice park shortcut. I didn't try it on the way home because I wanted to at least travel once successfully along the road before looking for shortcuts, but tomorrow I'll try! Nevertheless either this weekend or next weekend I will probably try to go running in that park!

So, we got our English tests back today and I got a 95! (Second best I think!). I am pretty sure I got courtesy points on the translations -- it was not what they were looking for, but since the meaning was the same and the crucial grammar they were looking for was there, I am pretty sure I got the points. I missed three complete the sentence/reading comprehension problems :)

I also had our Home Economics class for the first time today, in which we cook and see and stuff. While we only read a recipe today, I am pretty sure we will cook something next class (I will make something vegetarian.). That will probably be fun. Then we had two back to back hours of Undoukai practice, which was very very fun, even if it was burning hot outside.

I think that's all for now, good evening!

The pix is of the fab dinner we had, salad of tofu, amazing radishes/cucumbers, and bhindi, main dish of seaweed tofu fake meek and kerela, soup of carrots onions and potatoes, and rice! I realized today in a Japanese table setting rice is on the left, soup on the right, and chopsticks below. I had been setting the table wrong all along!

Oh and I just found out that an MB is 1024 KB, not 1000!!! I had no idea! I mean it makes sense, but...I guess you learn something new everyday, no matter where you are!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of your dinner! Thanks so much for it. How is the bhindi cooed? And the seaweed-tofu looks yum [not you, of course!]. I like how many fresh vegetables there are. Love, NM.
