So, first of all a note about the Blue Zone. I have been walking through the park on my way to and from school these days and I have seen many many elderly people (40-60 years old) jogging up and down the park path. I hope to do do some weekend soon, but nevertheless that is probably one component (the great physical shape) of the Blue Zone.
So, today was a really fun day at school, we had quite a bit of Undoukai practice, I am rushing through my American Japanese textbook, I absolutely LOVE the sky here (don't even ask me why it is just really beautiful), and yeah. The walk through the park/path is really nice. I realized today that cleaning time means cleaning everywhere, including the courtyard/fields and the bathrooms. Oh and I found out today that English has over 30,000 syllables, Japanese has 112, and I calculated and Hindi has 559 just within the alphabet, and with all the possible conjuncts it must be over English. BTW today I also figured out 7 possible pronunciations of "ough" (I have heard there are 8 and I had found an eight one but I have never seen it used in English so didn't include it). How many can you find?
BTW, while I am really looking forward to Undoukai, it seems more like a performance than a competition, because we have been having practice relays and such and will have a whole Undoukai rehearsal tomorrow do everyone already knows who will win! So it's really not much of a competition, more a performance for the parents and such.
Ok, goodnight!
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